Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy addresses a child’s difficulties in his/her activities of daily living including all aspects of play, school, and home life. Developmental milestones can be reached through therapeutic play and movement guided by a professionally trained occupational therapist. Our occupational therapists work closely with the child to improve sensory processing, handwriting, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, upper body strength, social skills, attention span, organization skills, coordination, and body/spatial awareness.

Therapeutic Listening®

Therapeutic Listening® is a highly individualized method of auditory intervention utilizing electronically altered compact discs in protocols specifically tailored by sensory integrative professionals to match a child’s need. Some of the changes children may experience are increased attention span, organized behavior, self regulation, postural control, and an increase in receptive and expressive language skills.

Speech & Language Therapy

Our speech language pathologists create individualized speech therapy plans, which can address auditory processing challenges, oral motor and feeding disorders, language delays, articulation difficulties and social/pragmatic difficulties. Our speech language pathologists work closely with the child to improve the child’s attention span, critical thinking skills, as well as social and play development. 

Social Therapy

Social Therapy gives children the opportunity to learn new social skills and to practice these skills in a structured environment with facilitation from trained adults. Therapy can focus on how to express, rate, and describe feelings, utilize problem solving strategies, and engage in age appropriate conversations and peer interactions, all occurring in a supportive home environment.

Physical Therapy

Our Physical Therapists work with families to provide support in the areas of gross motor development, motor planning and visual motor skills. These may include improving and working with muscle tone, strength and development, range of movement, quality of movement, hand-eye coordination, attention to tasks and sensory integration. We see children from birth through adolescence with health problems related to injury, disease, or congenital conditions.

Co-Treament Services

Little wonders has a unique offering that combines occupational and speech therapy and sessions. Children get to engage with both therapists for a 1-hour session. The collaborative session involves targeting both occupational therapy needs as well as speech and language therapy needs.


As part of the therapeutic plan, Little Wonders offers consultation services after a screening or evaluation has been completed. Consulting services last for 1-hour and are accompanied with an extensive report about the child’s strengths and areas of concern. All consulting sessions will result in a list of strategies that can be completed by the parent or guardian. Consulting sessions on a periodic basis after the initial session can also be set up, in order to foster a continuation/alteration of the strategies used at home by the caregiver.

Nonprofit and Private


Little Wonders is pleased and excited to collaborate with nonprofit and private agencies to provide assistance in the area of pediatric occupational, speech and language and physical therapy. Below is the type of expertise we are able to provide to organizations:

  • Consultation at school sites for individual children’s educational programs
  • Training teachers, aids, and other professionals
  • Speech and Language Development training
  • Development of sensory and motor enrichment centers at private, community, and day care centers
  • Support and consultation to public and private schools
  • Consultation to families for home modifications
  • Social skills training and program development
  • Handwriting training and development